Patents and Patent Applications Pending
- Efficient Fail-Over in Replicated Systems, by Vita Bortnikov, Gregory Chockler, Shlomit Shachor, and Ilya Shnayderman, US Patent 9329950, Issued 03 May 2016.
- Allocation Enforcement in a Multi-Tenant Cache Mechanism, Gregory Chockler, Ymir Vigfusson, Guy Laden, and Ben Parees, US US Patent 9235443B2, Issued Jan 12, 2016.
- Continuous Operation During Reconfiguration Periods, Vita Bortnikov, Gregory Chockler, Dmitri Perelman, Alexey Roytman, Shlomit Shachor, and Ilya Shnayderman, US Patent 8943178, Issued January 27, 2015.
- Cache Optimization via Predictive Cache Size Modification, Gregory Chockler, Ymir Vigfusson, and Guy Laden, US Patent 8850122, Issued September 30, 2014.
- Propagating Changes in Topic Subscription Status of Processes in an Overlay Network,Vita Bortnikov,Gregory Chockler, Alexey Roytman, and Mike Spreitzer, US Patent 8661080, Filed July 15, 2010. Issued February 25, 2014.
- Constructing Scalable Overlays for Pub-Sub with Many Topics: The Greedy Join-Leave Algorithm, by Gregory Chockler, Roie Melamed, and Yoav Tock, US Patent Application Publication 20100027442A1, Published February 4, 2010.
- Multicasting in a Communication Network, by Gregory Chockler, Roie Melamed, Yoav Tock,and RomanVitenberg, US Patent Application Publication 20080317028A1, Published December 25, 2008
- Backoff protocols and methods for distributed mutual exclusion and ordering, Gregory Chockler, Dahlia Malkhi, and Michael Reiter, US Patent 7155524, Issued December 2006.